Beyond Pain

Get Back to Your Active Life, Faster. Personalized Rehab & Functional Recovery for Athletes and Active Individuals

Not getting the
results you want?

Feeling stuck in a cycle of pain? Many people visit doctors and other healthcare providers, only to be left with limited options like surgery or medication. At PATH PT, we understand your frustration. We take a different approach, focusing on the root cause of your pain and creating a personalized treatment plan to get you back to living your life to the fullest.

the 3 step path

Step 1: Uncover the Why

Your pain is a message, not a mistake. We go beyond just treating symptoms. Through a comprehensive evaluation, we work together to identify the root cause of your limitations, empowering you to understand your body and its unique story.

STEP 2: Personalized Plan

One-size-fits-all doesn't work here. We create a customized roadmap to recovery based on your specific needs and goals. This collaborative approach ensures you receive the most effective treatment plan for lasting results.

STEP 3: Lasting Results

Get moving with confidence again! We utilize neuromuscular activation techniques to retrain your body's movement patterns, coupled with targeted exercises for long-term strength and stability. ‎

Breakthrough Pain & Move Freely Again

Schedule Your Free Consultation & Discover Your Path to Lasting Recovery

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How we can help you

Online Services

Don't let distance or busy schedules hold you back from achieving optimal health. Our convenient online physical therapy programs offer personalized care and expert guidance, no matter where you are in the world.We'll work with you to design a customized program that fits your needs and goals, utilizing video consultations, exercise demonstrations, and educational resources to empower you throughout your recovery journey.

In-Person Services

Our personalized physical therapy program tackles a wide range of issues, from injuries and chronic pain to post-surgical rehabilitation. We also help athletes of all levels achieve peak performance.We combine in-depth evaluations with hands-on manual therapy to address the root cause of your limitations and create a customized treatment plan. Choose between in-clinic or hybrid care for maximum flexibility. Let our dedicated team empower you to reach your full potential.

Move Beyond Pain

Why me

We Are
Your Path

At PATH PT, we're passionate about empowering you to move with confidence and freedom from pain. We believe in patient-centered care, tailoring our approach to your unique needs and goals.

The One80 System® is the foundation of our practice, utilizing evidence-based techniques to address the root cause of your pain, not just the symptoms.

We have extensive experience dealing with chronic pain and injuries, and understand the challenges you face on your journey to an active lifestyle. We provide personalized 1:1 care, working closely with you every step of the way.

Read How We've Helped Others
Achieve Lasting Results

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